Monday, August 4, 2008

Hillary Clinton losing does not equal rape

It disgusts me to hear things like this from Clinton supporters:
I will not crawl back into bed with a party that raped me. I will not stay in an abusive relationship because I have no where else to go.
Um, no, your candidate lost. That's a little different than someone forcibly holding you down and sticking their penis or another object into you. People like this clearly don't know anyone who was raped, or they wouldn't be so casual about using it as a metaphor. I volunteered in a battered woman's shelter in college, and if these people ever interacted with women who went through abusive relationships, they would know what it was like. These are sick individuals who are so egotistical that they lack all sense of moral balance.

It's like when Rush Limbaugh refers to feminists as Femi-Nazis. When did feminists ever commit genocide - that would be never. When did the super-delegates and voters choosing Sen. Obama over Sen. Clinton become a violent, forcible act that completely demeans another person - that would be never.

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