Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Who's campaign is a cult of personality again?

From Jonathan Chait:
The McCainiacs whip themselves into a moralistic frenzy against anybody who stands between them and the presidency. And should that person subsequently become potentially useful in McCain's quest for the presidency (first Bush, now Romney), they can convince themselves that he's not so bad after all.

The psychological process that's operating here can be used to justify pretty much anything. In part it's a function of the hero worship cult that envelops McCain, which quickly leads its adherents to the conclusion that the very fact of running against the hero is proof of one's perfidy. This, I'm sure, is what allowed McCain to so easily smear Romney in the primary and to smear Obama now.

Word. The only thing McCain has going for him is his unearned "Maverick" reputation from the press. He literally doesn't have plan to solve any aspect of the problems facing our economy. And they say us Obama supporters are cultists.

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