Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I love Toby Keith

I'm a huge fan of country music, and I love how Toby Keith responds to critics of his song "Brought to you courtesy of the Red, White and Blue":

Keith still bristles at how the song painted him as a gung-ho right-winger when he's a lifelong Democrat. It also associated him with a war he never supported.

"First of all, you can't go make everyone understand what you do. Most people who talk about 'Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue' never even heard the song. If you read it word for word, you know what it means: Let's go out and get the people responsible for 9/11. They attacked New York, they attacked the Pentagon. They came and killed a bunch of innocent Americans. Now, two years after that song comes out, we go into Iraq. Now, all of a sudden, I'm responsible for the Iraq War. I can't go tell everybody to listen to the words and tell them I have nothing to do with the Iraq War. ... My philosophy on that is I think we need to take care of Afghanistan and get Osama bin Laden. But I'm not going to apologize for being patriotic, and wherever the troops go, I'll go there and play.

Word. Also, I know there is some controversy over his song "Beer for my Horses," but I really don't think it's racist. The guy in the video looks Italian, not Black. Also (and these are some graphic links), I think it's pretty clear in the song that he's referring to the Old West, not the Old South way of justice. That said, lynching was very uncommon in the Old West, so I think it's definitely not something I would have put in my song.

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